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Publishing the monograph by A. Benin and A. Kossoy 11.11.2020 12:31

New monograph "Thermal hazards and thermal safety of energetic materials, chemical processes and objects.
The methodology of investigation based on the systemic approach  and mathematical modelling" written by CISP experts  A. Benin and A. Kossoy has been issued by the Russian Publisher Infra-engineering. The monograph is in Russian and is addressed to Russian scientists and engineers.

Монография А. Бенина и А. Коссого "Термические опасности и термическая безопасность энергетических веществ, процессов и объектов. Методология исследования на базе системного подхода и математического моделирования" только что вышла в издательстве  Инфра-инженерия. Книгу можно приобрести онлайн

Participation in the annual meeting of EDUG in 2017 10.05.2018 07:19

ArkosSoft representative attended the annual  EDUG meeting, 22-23 June, Lyon, France and made 2 presentations:

A. Kossoy (CISP), K. Middle (Chilworth), J. Singh (HEL) 2 unusual complex cases – how to deal with adiabatic data when traditional methods fail

A. Kossoy (CISP), Adiabatic calorimetry – new trends and some peculiarities of application

CISP and ArkosSoft cooperation with HELgroup 07.05.2018 14:09

and ArkosSoft established close and fruitful cooperation with and, specifically, with its Beijing branch HEL China. HEL is the official distributor of TSS and TSS-ARKS software worldwide.

The goal of this cooperation is to offer to the HEl clients  and other potential customers the unique TSS-ARKS software and to provide them with exhaustive training and services. 

Sumika Technical Information Services, Inc. distributes ARKS services and software in Japan 07.05.2018 02:16

ArkosSoft entered into the distribution agreement with Sumika Information Services, Inc. (STIS), Japan. Since February 2018  ARKS software and ArkosSoft services are available for Japanese customers via STIS.

    New monograph "Thermal hazards and thermal safety of energetic materials, chemical processes and objects.
    " by  A. Benin and A. Kossoy
    Attending the EDUG meeting and giving presentations
    Cooperation with HEL group